Tgif [5.17.13]

By Leslielazard @leslielazard

I have to say, this week was a pretty great one. I had some downtime yesterday and the day before so the bf and I got a chance to get started on the last of our home decor projects. We’ve been collecting prints for a few months now for our gallery wall and yesterday we finally got the matting and frames for our prints! I’m so excited to finally get our gallery wall up! One of our prints is a vintage photograph that my dad took way back in the 70′s of the flame throwers at a Mardi Gras parade. I’ve always loved that picture and wanted to have it framed, but never got around to doing the deed. It looks so great in the frame with the matting we picked out and I can’t wait to see it up on the wall. Anyone looking to do a gallery wall project – check out your local Michael’s if they have one in your area. We got all of our frames along with the matting from there, and all for a really good price! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy this weeks links!

30 Days Worth. If you’re like me, it’s pretty much a guarantee that there are some days, well plenty of days when you’re getting dressed in the morning and have absolutely no clue what to wear. I know I’m not alone, right? Well the good people over at Kate Spade have put together a little guide – complete with the cutest illustrations – with 30 days of outfits to try. Definitely a good source for some style inspiration when needed.

Gold Everythanggg. This week I came to the realization that I like an interior space with some gold details – which I think add a little glam to the space. If you check out my home inspiration pinboard, you’ll see exactly what I mean. How did I not notice this about myself earlier?

Summer Reading. I’ve always been a bookworm, don’t judge. Two of my most recent reads were ‘Divergent‘ and ‘Insurgent‘ both written by Veronica Roth. As of this month, there’s a movie being filmed based on the first book, and the third and final book of the trilogy is set to be released later this year. I can’t wait!

New Scent. I’ve wanted to try out this fragrance for about the past 6 months or so! I finally got my hands on a bottle and I have to say its quickly become my new go-to summer fragrance. Any other favorite fragrances you like to wear during the summertime?

{image via DesignLoveFest}