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By Christiesbookreviews @christiewriting
TGIF at GReads- This Feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's post & to answer a question from GReads.

Question: Cast Your Own Story: If you could use existing characters from some of your favorite books to create a new story, who would be in it?

This could turn into a huge list of characters which would make a very interesting book.
I have no idea what the story would be but here I go with some of my favorite characters I would like to read more about even in a new story.

I'm quite obsessed with Daemon from Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout right now so I have to start by choosing him. He always has a smart ass comment to make and a lot of them make me laugh. He is also VERY swoon worthy.

Mercy Thompson from Moon Called (Mercy Thompson series) by Patricia Briggs. She is a kick ass strong female character who tends to find herself in trouble. She is just awesome and oh yah, she runs around with werewolves.

Kaylin from Cast in Shadow (Chronicles of Elantra series) by Michelle Sagara. She is another strong female character who is snarky and kicks butt. She also hates waking up in the morning like me.

Four from Divergent by Veronica Roth. He is just amazing and easy to love.

I will stop there or I may have too may characters together in one book fighting for center stage.

Happy Friday Everyone! :-D
What you may have missed on my blog this week.