#TFF | Films

By Katieemay @katieemay1

Hello all! I'm so sorry for not posting this past week; I've been snowed under at school with mock exams and coursework and haven't had any time to write any posts, even though I've had lots planned! Anyways, the weekend is here and what a better way to relax than watching films, right? Here are my top 5 must see films...
1. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixOut of all the Harry Potter films, this is by far my favorite. I think the ratio between being set in Hogwarts and out of Hogwarts is perfect and the relationship's between the characters are at their best. My favorite scene, which also happens to be the most heart wrenching scene, is when *spoiler alert* Sirius dies; Daniel Radcliff's acting in the scene is absolutely amazing. Apparently, the reason they cut out Daniels screaming in the scene was because it was too heart wrenching and sad. The film isn't all sad though and I just think that out of all the films, it's my favorite. I think. Now I'm doubting myself but it's up there! 
2. Captain America: The First AvengerThis was the first Avengers film I saw and, I'm going to be honest, I was skeptical at first. I thought it was going to be all violence and little plot and that it would be a typically boyish film on war. How wrong I was. It has a great retro feel, set in the 1940's, and has a lovely romantic sub-plot too. The war aspect and action is filmed really well and I found it to be quite engrossing as was the acting, which was amazing. 
3. Perks of Being A WallflowerOften, film adaptations of books miss out a lot of sub text and miss what readers of the books often, vital plot points. Perks, however, does not fit into this catagory probably because it was directed by the author. The acting and cinematography is flawless and the story line is a perfect coming of age tale. Before you see the film though, I urge you to read the book! 
4. HairsprayI love musicals and musical theater and one of my favorite movie musicals is Hairspray. I love Zac Efron, so I was automatically drawn to the film, and the music in the film is incredibly catchy and dancable (yes, I just created a new word!) to. In my last summer dance show, I danced to a medly of Hairspray songs and way back in 2007, I did a weeks theater programme with Hairspray too, so it holds a strong place in my heart. The storyline is actually quite a serious one, the segregation in the 1960's, and I think that the seriousness is highlighted well by the fun of the music and other sub plots. A great fee-good film! 
5. Finding NemoI felt like I couldn't do a top 5 film list without putting a Disney film in too; mainly because I'm a huge Disney nerd. It was a toss up between Finding Nemo and Toy Story and I chose Finding nemo because it's the first cinema trip I had with my mom and my best friend, Amy, and her mom which I can remember. If you haven't seen Finding Nemo, what are you doing with your life? Go and watch it now! It's a great little film about a fish trying to find his way home and meeting a lot of other cool fish along the way. 
So, there was this weeks Top 5 Friday! What are your Top 5 Films? See you next time!facebook | twitter | instagram | pinterest | bloglovin | google | tumblr