Text 62297 Receive a MACYS PRINTABLE 15% Saving Pass

By Montec @fashionstar

Macys Printable Savings Pass October 2021

Macy's mobile Text Coupons

You can always text 62297 to have the latest Macy's Savings Pass delivered directly to your mobile phone.

Macy's is currently having some already great sales don't miss out on October sales, you can use this savings pass coupon to really score a great deal on top name brands for the holidays.

Text 62297 Receive MACYS PRINTABLE Saving Pass

text 62297 to mobile phone

Where to shop: Macy's
What to use: Macy's printable savings pass coupon
What you'll save: extra 20% off
When to use: through October 11, 2021
Online Code to Use: FALL