Vinita Hegwood is an English teacher at Duncanville High School in Duncanville, Texas.
On Nov. 7, 2014, Hegwood posted this racist obscene tweet at “crackers” (whites) who disagree with her about the police shooting of 300-lb. Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri:
Who the fuck made you dumb duck ass crackers [white people] think I give a squat fuck about your opinions about my opinions RE: #Ferguson? Kill yourselves.’
Hegwood’s violent outburst prompted a wave of reaction from enraged Twitter users calling for her suspension.
Officials of the Duncanville Independent School District (ISD) acted swiftly.
Yesterday, after meeting with Hegwood, school district officials suspended her without pay and confirmed her contract will be terminated following a board meeting in the next four weeks.
The school district explained in a statement that “Hegwood expressed an opinion on social media that is solely her own. While everyone has the right to free speech, as a teacher in the district, we believe the comments that are alleged to be made by Ms Hegwood are absolutely reprehensible and we do not condone it.”
Her Twitter account is now closed.
Hegwood, who has worked for the Duncanville ISD for two years, has been a prolific tweeter throughout the turmoil in Missouri following the shooting on August 9.
It has been suggested her profane tweet was a reaction to abuse she received from followers, Fox News reported. But Lari Barager with the Duncanville ISD told CBS that defense will not protect Hegwood from losing her job: “I can’t say it emphatically enough. The nature of the comments are reprehensible, and this district is about inclusion. It’s about diversity. It’s about respect for all people.”
Hegwood’s venom actually predates Ferguson, as evidenced by a tweet she had sent 9 months ago. Using a different Twitter account, she bragged about playing her music “Fuck the Police” loud as her car was tailed by the police.
See also:
- Autopsy of Mike Brown shows he did not have his hands up when shot
- Ferguson cop Darren Wilson sustained injuries to his face
- Marine veteran requires brain surgery from assault by 20 blacks angry about Ferguson
- Obama has DHS agents in Ferguson; pays protesters to justify martial law
- Only 1 in 10 Americans think race relations have improved under Obama