Terry Bellefleur Spends Most of Season 5 Away from Bon Temps

Posted on the 09 May 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

More tidbits of information are surfacing about Season 5; this time from TVLine. Evidently, Terry Bellefleur (played by Todd Lowe) will be spending a lot of time away from Bon Temps this season. When a fan asked about True Blood, the reply was all about Terry.

Question: Do you have any True Blood scoop? The wait is seriously killing me! —Nishens

Ausiello: Terry will spend much of the season on the road with his ex-military buddy Patrick (Scott Foley). “Most of the time we are out in the greater 50 states tracking down other members of our platoon trying to get some closure to this event that happened over in Iraq,” reveals Foley of the duo’s hush-hush storyline, which required “a lot of running and fighting and jumping. There’s a lot of physicality.

source: tvline.com