Terrific Tuesday Deals:Monograms, Bubbles & Scatter Heart Jewelry!

By Sassysweetstyle @ChaniaB

What a busy/productive day! Errands have been ran for the week so we can enjoy the weekend! I FINALLY found Bubble Guppies PJs for my Princess without having to pay through the nose online! She just loves that show! I can’t believe it took them this long to release clothes! She is going to be one excited little girl once they dry! What have you had trouble getting your hands on for your kids?

Three Letter 18 Inch Framed Wooden Monograms $31.99

What Southern Girl doesn’t love monograms?! This is an AWESOME deal with the framing!

Itty Bitty Bubble Necklace {6 Colors!} $12.99

These Bubble Necklaces are all the rage! Shame on them for introducing new colors that I don’t have!

Handcut Personalized Monogram Necklace/Bracelet {Gold or Silver} $44.99

I love that you can pick your chain length & metal!

Kate Spade Inspired Scatter Heart Necklaces $8.95

These are so adorable!

Stylish Jewelry Grab Bags{3-5 pieces} $13.99

Valued at $35! If you love surprises, this is an awesome deal!

What awesome deals have you found lately?

Terrifc Tuesday Deals:Dollhouse, Purse Organizer & Jewelry