Terrific Tuesday Deals & Style Sessions

By Sassysweetstyle @ChaniaB

Wow what a busy day we have had! My husband surprised me with a new camera for an early (I can’t open until tomorrow) birthday present! I can’t wait to take pictures with it! I’m so blessed to have a man who loves me as much as he does! What’s the best birthday surprise you have had?

Michael Kors Women’s Optical Frames from $37.99(20 styles)

6 Piece Jogger Essentials Kit $25 ($85 value)

$50 Worth of Foxy Originals Jewelry for $25

CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training System $14.99($29.99 value)

**I found this to be HILARIOUS!!** Meet the Parents, CLASSIC!

What Terrific Deals have you found lately?

These were my featured outfits this week.

Primer makes my skin look HORRIBLE! NO more for this girl!

Top (Similar)$9♥Pants$20♥Shoes $23 (I paid $12 at the outlet)♥Necklace (Similar)$15♥Bracelet (Similar)$18 (I paid less than $10)♥Watch (Similar )$25

Top $31♥Capris (They fit like a dream!) $29♥Flip Flops $19♥Earrings (Similar…Bought mine at Charming Charlie on clearance for $4!)$12♥Necklace (Similar…Mine:Charming Charlie $12) $34♥Bracelet (Similar…Mine:Charming Charlie $8) $40


Style Sessions:Brights, Navy & Chevron