Terrible Twos Has Hit Us Real Bad

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
If you've been following stories about my kids, you'd know that my older daughter is the polite, quiet, courteous, well mannered one and my younger one is the loud, boisterous, animated, spirited, at times unruly one.
We have many hypotheses or perhaps, even excuses about it. Maybe she's the smallest so she's trying to express herself. Maybe it's just the Terrible Twos phase - that's what we're hoping. Maybe we are the ones subconsciously perpetuating that 'youngest child syndrome' stereotype. Whatever it is, this child makes me pull at my hair and renders me a worn out, sobbing mess at times.
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I just can't understand though because when she's with others, I always get comments that she is so well behaved. I know it's a common thing with kids - shithead with parents, angels with others. But this bub is just so extreme. I'm talking letting others feed her with the sweetest, gentlest smile yet tossing bowls on the ground and refusing to be fed at home. Or how about the fact that her daycare teacher proudly proclaimed that she does not even fight diaper change yet she runs around at home and has to be chased and then wrestled just to be changed?
Recently, she's taken to calling me "Daddy" and calling the real dad "Mummy".
Every time we try to correct her, she chortles and runs off.
At first, we thought she was genuinely confused.
Now, we know she is genuinely mischievous.
She loves doing it in public, running up to me and yelling "Daddy" or banging on the door yelling "Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" when she knows dad's home and taking off his shoes outside.
Despite her streak of mischief, this child does have her little angelic moments. She comes up and kisses us when we're asleep or pretending to lay down (trying to make her nap). She loves putting her arms around our necks and pulling us close for a big snuggle. She loves sharing her food and feeding others.
I know time will fly by before we even realize so I will just try to cherish every moment - mischievous or angelic. The whole package. I know these will be funny stories to tell when the kids grow up.
As for now, I will just try to think of the angelic moments the next time she runs off naked to hide when she refuses to get dressed after bath.
Linking in with Essentially Jess for IBOT