Tennessee Gun Report

Posted on the 18 July 2013 by Mikeb302000
Southern Beale
Yo, Dayton, TN, maybe check Snopes before you start spending your money on pro-gun billboards:
From the story:
“Hitler’s infamous quote … is probably a fraud and likely never uttered,” Harcourt wrote. “It has been the subject of much research, all of it fruitless, and has now entered the annals of urban legends.”
A 1938 Nazi government law prohibited Jews from owning guns, “but simultaneously liberalized gun restrictions for most everyone else. The law totally deregulated the sale of rifles, shotguns and ammunition,” the blog states.
Idiots. Dayton, TN was first in the news for giving us the Scopes Monkey Trial, and back in 2004 they tried to outlaw homosexuality. Looks like ignorance and stupidity still reign supreme down there. Must be something in the water.
What I find most interesting is how ignorance and stupidity often go hand in hand with gun-rights fanaticism.  One need look no further than my own little blog.
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