Ten Ways to Have Halloween Fun at Home!

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

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Make halloween more fun with these suggestions

Halloween doesn't need to mean expensive costumes, busy parties or wandering the streets in rubbishy weather visiting neighbours who won't answer their door! If you're staying in this Halloween here are ten ways you can still have Halloween fun at home.

1. Make a creepy gingerbread house

Make a gingerbread house yourself or buy this one with all the pieces made for you at Morrison's for £5.

Get together to decorate the spooky house and then destroy it by munching it!

2. Munch some gooey doughnuts

You can find Halloween doughnuts in a number of places, like the ones below, including pumpkin and Vimto (weirdly!) at Krispy Kreme.

Or here's a box or tasty treats from Nic's Deli and Donuts in Glasgow.

3. Serve up some spooky pasta

Before you spoil your appetite, eat some bats and spiders for dinner with this Halloween pasta from Lidl.

4. More themed sweets and treats

Chocolate eyeballs, toffee apple cakes, bonfire logs...

Or Bats & Webs (tomato) or Grim Green teeth (apple) popcorn.

5. Make your own sweets - edible soil and worms

6. Or...Spooky Spider Jelly

7. 'Dook' for apples

Also known as Apple bobbing, this is a game played at Halloween. A tub is filled with water and apples are added. The apples are swirled around in the water, to make it harder to catch. Either use a fork and drop it from your teeth whilst hanging over a chair or use your teeth and try to catch one in the tub.

8. Photo Booth

Even fi you don't plan on dressing up and have no props there are plenty of face changing apps that you can download onto your mobile phone to take some scary photos. Search for "halloween face" on the Apple App Store to find a selection for iPhone.

9. Make a turnip lantern

Go back to tradition with a turnip lantern. It's a lot harder to carve than a pumpkin, but looks a lot more scary!

10. Watch some scary movies

Switch the lights off and place some candles in the turnip lanterns and get ready to watch some scary movies. How about the original Halloween film from 1978, Carrie or The Shining?