Ten Thousand Hours

By Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
I've mastered very few skills in my life thus far. The "problem": my lovely parents gave me the opportunity to try lots of things, and so, I did... everything. I played piano, softball, and field hockey. I attended art camps, writing classes, and dance rehearsals. I sang in the chorus and performed in school plays. I was active in VIF (Valhalla International Fund) and Spanish club. Oh, and I was a Girl Scout, until the age of 18. Because of those many extracurricular activities though, I never had a chance to focus on any one in particular. I'm mostly okay with that. It set the stage, so to speak, for a dynamic interest set (and made for an entertaining yearbook biography). Yet it's also left me in complete awe of those who have dedicated years to becoming one of the best at... something.

Like, Macklemore, for instance. He's amazing in concert. I know this because I saw him and Ryan Lewis perfom live at Le Zénith two weekends ago, just strides away from the lawn I practiced yoga on this past summer. He opened with "Ten Thousand Hours." Proof of the great time I had: the clip above.  Please enjoy it if you'd like! And forgive me for the obnoxious howling :).
Lara, Tatenda, and I spent four hours on a Sunday night dancing like crazies and singing our little hearts out. It's worth noting though, that I was most impressed by the content of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' music--real, tangible issues. "Ten Thousand Hours", for instance, was inspired by Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers (which, randomly enough, I almost completely read on a Boston trip 3 years ago). In it, he claims that the key to any success is roughly 10,000 hours of practice, and, "achievement is talent plus preparation.” It may not always be applicable, but if that's what it took for Macklemore and Ryan Lewis to produce The Heist.
If you can believe it, it took my cousins even longer. They've been cultivating their creative talent their entire lives. Recently, they collaborated on a musical and performative piece entitled "Humble Beginnings." I couldn't be more proud of nor impressed by Dylan and Bianca Golden. Way to go familia! Please share their passion project, if you can. I wish them all the success in the world.
As for me, I don't mind being a multifaceted 25-year-old with an appreciation for yellow bouncy balls for now ;). Mastery to come.