Ten Social Media Marketing Tips You Can Use NOW!

Posted on the 15 May 2013 by Elizabethlmaness @elizbethlmaness

Do you need to improve your social media marketing efforts now?  Do you need tips that you can read, digest, and put into practice without needing to know background info or anything like that?

Here are 10 tips you can read, internalize, and put into action right away to boost the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts today.

Social Media Marketing Tips You Can Use NOW!

1.Include a call to action in your blog

People need to know what to do at the end of reading your pages and posts. A call to action is you telling them just that "click to buy," "leave a comment below," "click to keep reading," etc.

2.Tell people why they should follow you

It's funny – words like "expert" and "guru" are overused, but they also work – Twitter accounts that feature those words in the profile tend to have higher numbers of followers. (

3.Use calls to action in your Facebook posts

Mari Smith says that Facebook posts that have a call to action with the word "Share" receive more share – and more likes and more comments, too!  Can't argue with that!

4.Going against the grain has an advantage, sometimes

Even though it's a natural tendency to post your content during "business hours," it turns out that for many brands, weekends are the time when people engage with their content the most.

5.Create great content no matter where you're posting it

Whether it's for your blog or your social media channels, creating great content is one of the most important social media marketing tips there are. Make your content "sticky," that is, make it so that people remember it long after they've left your page.

6.Share links to interesting content

According to Hubspot, accounts where 60% to 80% of the tweets contain links actually get retweeted more often than accounts with fewer links.

7.Keep updating your content regularly

This is a big one – you destroy so much of your credibility as a reliable resource when you aren't regular with your content updates. You need to have a content strategy for all of your channels and topics that are so engaging that people can't help but come back for more.

8.Recommend a subscription to your content

The best marketing strategies include a mix of content formats – and that includes e-mail too. By sending your subscribers a regular newsletter, you're making sure they don't miss your content via social media or your website – something that is way too easy to do in today's era of information overload.

9.   Don't be boring!

I remember when I finally got comfortable enough to start putting my personality into my writing (How to Create Content That Doesn't Suck), and the positive feedback on my posts started growing by leaps and bounds. I'd been afraid to be too casual or to me, and yet – it was exactly what resonated with my audience. 

10.Include pictures of food

Sounds random, I know, but it turns out that pictures of food (along with memes and cute animal pictures) are some of the most shared pictures on Facebook. 

What are your favorite quick tips for social media? Leave a comment below!