Ten Poolside Essentials

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1

Ever since the weather got warmer,  I have been spending less time indoors and more time outdoors, making the most of the blue beauty...AKA the pool !!!
Everyone has their own poolside essentials, but below are what according me are a must when hitting the pool. So let's see what I got inside my bag....

1) SWIMMING COSTUME- the quintessential swimming costume has gotten a makeover over these years and it now comes in varieties, giving every body type a fair chance to shine. I am still not comfortable baring too muck skin, so this one-piece beauty got me covered....enough !!

2)  BOYFRIEND SHORTS- somehow, I prefer a pair of cool cut-offs over a beach coverup. I guess it's the whole muggy feeling under a coverup that ticks me off. Plus I enjoy the cool vibe of a swimming costume used as a top.

3) A FEMININE HAT- no matter what, this is a must-have: both for it's function and fabulosity. Gone are the days of a basic plain Jane hat, this baby's got a major transformation. I had such a hard time picking out one this summer, blame it on the wide variety the store had. But glad... I found my bow-love!

4) SUNGLASSES- double protection never hurts. Bring a cool pair of sunglasses and double the fabulosity factor with your hat.

5) BEACH TOWEL- this one definitely needs no justification. Any trip to the pool and this essential lays the foundation for your packing.

6) SUNSCREEN- one can never have enough of a good sun protectant lotion. Look for one that is a high SPF, at least a 30 and above, is water-resistant and that doesn't sting your eyes. A spray is easy to apply but I find it a waste. Always remember to apply your sunscreen at least ten minutes before the sun exposure, and if you are staying out for longer, then reapply every couple of hours.

7) CLEANSING FOAM- this one's an easy pick-me-up for the before and after pool shower. The travel size and the squirt nozzle makes it all the more desirable.

8) WATER TUMBLER- hello, thirsty souls !!!! The water and sun exposure can leave you dehydrated, so make sure to bring your own water cup. Spike up the taste with some sliced cucumber, peaches or wedged lemons.

9) ENTERTAINMENT ESSENTIALS- logically, water should be your only entertainment when around the pool, but when you are chilling by the recliners, a little technology, a magazine or a book  never hurts. A poolside selfie is mandatory after all and don't forget to bring your headphones- everyone likes to enjoy their quiet time by the pool.

10) A BEACH TOTE - bring on some poolside swag with a fabulous beach bag. It should be large enough to carry all the above and a few extras. The stores are flooded with some insanely cool beach bags and straw totes and I have hand-picked a few of my favorites.....just for you!

These are my poolside essentials, what are yours???
Have a great day loves !!