At this point, having succesfully hooked you into reading this here blog post, I must admit that I don’t really have the ten best titles for your blog post. And shame on you for desiring such an easy out. You’re the writer. Come up with your own titles.
However, I can lay down some advice. It’s free advice and worth every penny. So listen up.
Blog Title Dos and Don’ts
DO use the numbered title, both in print and in the blogosphere. 7 Ways to Breath Life into your Characters. 9 Locations that Guarantee a Best Seller. 10 Sure Fire Jokes to Start your Elevator Pitch. You get the picture. Oddly, it’s never less than 6. I’d stick with that rule.
DON’T use titles that say “it’s all about me.” Unless you’ve already got a gagillion readers dying for your next release, don’t title your blog “My Next Release!” People read blogs to a) be entertained and b) learn stuff. Yes, your bestest facebook friends will read about your upcoming vacation and your gagillion fans my be interested in your daughter’s first job, but at this entry-level stage of your writing, just assume that if it wouldn’t be sellable to a print magazine, no one will read it on your blog.
DO use catchy titles. You can’t always come up with a number title, but you can always make it an eye-grabber. Last week I posted “10 Uses for your Writing Tomato.” That got thee most views last week. Why? Because it was an outlandish title. Either that or I can make a killing selling writing tomatoes. The best titles attack a well-known “rule.” If you title a post “Do More Telling and Less Showing,” I guarantee it will bring in readers. After that you’re on your own.
DON’T use glossover titles. By that I mean subject that we’ve seen so many times that we just gloss over them. The “7 Ways to Breathe Life Into your Characters” is a perfect example. Do you still read those? Me either. But it doesn’t mean you can’t write on the topic. Find a new angle or be more specific. How about “7 Ice Cream Flavors that Give Your Characters Depth.” I dunno. I think I’d read that just for an excuse to try 7 different ice-cream flavors.
DO use keywords in your title. Remember the Tomato post? A keyword the word or phrase you want to point at your post or even your entire website. If your post is about literary agents, get the term “literary agents” or “writer agents” in your title. Yes, I know “writer agents” is an abuse of the language and not an accurate description, but we don’t worry about things like that when we type a search term into the little Google box. By the way, Google offers tools to find the top search words and phrases. Entertain yourself with it one night.
DO keep titles short. This should be obvious. You’re a writer. Cut excessively excessive words. Instead of “Ten Opening Lines that Will Blow an Agent Away,” try ”10 Agent-landing openers.” Less is more, right?
Blog Titles YOU Love
Here’s your homework assignment: Go to your blog reader (GET ONE…I like Feedly), and scan the titles. Which ones grab you? Which do you gloss over? In fact, let’s hear your favorite titles. Post them in the comments below.
By the way, for great tips on blogging, I recommend