Tell Me Your Favorites

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Today I took a rest day from killing myself with cardio and went to my hot yoga class at 6:30 a.m. It was just what I needed. After last weekend’s relay, I took a day off, but then got right back into early morning cycling and running. Today my body told me to take a break.

I don’t know about you, but yoga slows my Type-A self down. It forces me to breathe and to stay focused. No matter how much my brain wants to taunt me with the tasks of the day, yoga makes me stay in the moment because I am struggling to either hold a pose or perfect a pose or not fall on my face into a sweaty puddle.  Call me crazy, but lately I’ve decided to wear my running tights to yoga and I don’t know why I didn't do this sooner. I always thought you had to wear yoga clothes to yoga. Screw that.  I’ve discovered I don’t like loose fitting yoga stuff, so the tights fit the bill.

This pose is called “coming down the stairs-asana”

The only thing bad about class was that we were shoved in the room like sardines and some mystery person had really bad gas. I am a farter, but for some reason I never do it in yoga. Being in a 107 degree room with 9 million people and a farter is trouble. I was attempting to focus on my poses, but I kept getting distracted trying to figure out who the offender was. I finally settled on it being this middle-aged guy behind me – he just had this look on his face that screamed, “What? It wasn’t me!” Immediately guilty.

Today’s yoga teacher had a good message (I was trying to burn it into my brain when she said it):

If you have a long to-do list for today, remember that you do not know what will happen today. Be open to receiving, allowing and learning.”

In other words – don’t get so stuck in your must and should-dos that you forget to take time to be alive and to live. Look around, interact, notice stuff. Throw tunnel vision out the window.

What I really wanted to talk about in today’s post before I started talking about yoga and to-do lists and farting, is BLOGS. There are always new ones coming on the scene, and old ones that are just getting better. I’d like to know from you your favorites.

What are your favorite healthy living/running/fitness blogs these days?

When reading a blog, what are you hoping to get out of it? Inspiration? Humor? Information?

Also, If you have a blog and are trying to get the word out to readers, share your link in a comment!