Closer is the free song that iTunes have gifted us this week and it is rather fabulous. I used to think that Tegan and Sara were Australian not Canadian, as they have such a strong Aussie following. An Aussie friend of mine was shocked and then very over excited that he was getting one of their songs for free this week with lots of ‘OMG’s’ and ‘No way’s’ involved in that process. I honestly couldn’t agree more, it’s a fabulously upbeat song, which is just the ticket for cheering us up in and amongst all the snow, rain and cold we’ve been getting lately. It definitely put me in the mood for more spring/summer like weather and possibly being able to wear skirts again!
Closer opens with an intimate mixed vocal of the sisters and is soon accompanied by an electro pop backing track that breaks into electro rock for the chorus. The song is full of interlocking textures that make it an interesting listening and a perfect feel good gym/running song as well. There’s a break in the middle that drops down to sustained piano chords and an electronic arpeggio that sounds like it’s under water with some lovely oohing over the top, before launching back into the chorus for a climatic build to the end where we end with vocals and some sustained synth chords, just as we started.
This one is well worth the download even if it was paid for. The latest album form the duo, titled heartthrob, is much in the same vein as Closer. Lots of electro pop that has me wanting to crimp my hair and put on some leg warmers 80s style!
So embrace your 80s inner child and jump about your room to this!
Download Closer and HeartthrobFind out more about Tegan and SaraFacebook SoundCloud Tumblr Twitter YouTube Website