Teens, Embarrassed by Dad? Surely Not?

By Expatmum @tonihargis
A new survey has been issued claiming that eight in ten teens are embarrassed by their dads, (the mothers got off rather lightly, I'm pleased to report.)  I have to say the figures are somewhat representative of what goes on in this house, although the embarrassed factor is 100% rather than a measly 80%.
And if other households are anything like this one, the dads don't give a hoot; in fact the sheer joy of making their teens cringe and run for the hills encourages dads to behave and dress even more outrageously. Non?
There is a certain irony in some of the teen complaints though:-
- dads "lack any flair for fashion". Oh son, so you think wearing trousers that display half your bum looks good do you? Or wearing your hair in such a way that you can only see out of one eye and you constantly have to twitch your head to keep it in place is attractive eh?
- dads "think they are cooler than they really are". Oh really? So it's cool to make fun of anyone who doesn't listen to exactly the same genre of music as you eh? And apparently even cooler to look like you've been dragged from your bed only seconds before. (Oh, wait....)
- "Behavio(u)r - OK so dads will insist on dancing like dorks if they know you're dying of embarrassment, but kids - since when is sulking and slamming doors when you don't get your own way the new standard of cool? Or coming home an hour after your curfew, and having the nerve to complain that we didn't come and pick you up?
So - let's hear it for the dads. It's hard to remain true to yourself when all around you are sneering and cackling.
Now, if we can only get rid of "that shirt", all would be well in the Expat homestead.
