Teen Sex Mass Hysteria: Anatomy of an American Moral Panic

Posted on the 21 September 2017 by Calvinthedog

At the moment, American fanatical puritanism is focused on teen sex.

I guess they’re just not supposed to do it! It’s out and out illegal in many states. The mere mention of the subject causes lynch mobs to rage at you and call you “pedophile.” I have been supposedly reported to the police many times as a “pedophile” simply for discussing the subject of teen sex! Jesus. Even the Victorians had nothing on us. Lots of teenagers were having sex back then and no one gave a damn.

Let’s call it Teen Sex Mass Hysteria because that’s exactly what it is. For some insane reason, puritanical Americans can’t seem to get it through their heads that teenagers are fully sexually mature beings, typically by age 13. The boys have a full blown adult sex drive (male sex drive peaks at age 16-23) and anecdotal evidence implies that even girls age 13-15 have full blown adult female sex drives nowadays.

Americans refuse to believe this. Instead they infantalize the young men and women known as teenagers, calling them kids, children, etc. The truth is that teens are not little kids. They’re not adults either, but they’re not little tiny children like you see running around in the park or the schoolyard. The difference between teenagers and little kids is so stark that it is almost like they are people from two different planets. It’s insipid and insane to conflate little children with the young men and young women called teenagers. It’s sheer idiocy.

Can someone please tell me how it is progressive to infantalize our teenage young men and young women? How is it liberal to treat 17 year olds like kindergartners? How is it feminist to support laws that imprison teenagers for having consensual sex with each other? How is it feminist, progressive or liberal to call the photos teens take of themselves and each other naked in having sex with each other “child porn?” How is it feminist to put teenage girls in jail and on the sex offender list for life for taking nude pics and sharing them with some boy? How is it progressive to imprison a teenage boy for “distributing child porn” for taking a nude photo of himself and sending it to the girl?

If this is how insane and puritanical the US Left is about sex, you can imagine how batshit nuts the US Right about the subject.

It’s time to chill on this Teen Sex Mass Hysteria bullshit. It’s profoundly backwards, reactionary and barbaric. No self-respecting liberal or progressive person should have anything to do with this insipid moral panic. Shame on us as a nation for falling victim to an obviously irrational mass hysteria.