Teen Drug Abuse

Posted on the 01 June 2021 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Our statistical infographic can provide a concise but clear picture of teen substance abuse for those who don’t realize how widespread it really is. We often underestimate the problem because not all the users become addicts and experience its worst consequences, AddictionResource authors explain.
Teenagers mostly try smoking, vaping, drinking alcohol, or taking some kind of drugs in high school. That’s why grade school is a good time to take preventive measures. Prepare your child for a time when they may be offered drugs.
Some parents think that if their children don’t go to parties, they won’t encounter drugs. Indeed, a quarter of high school students say that someone has offered, sold, or given them an illegal drug on school premises.
So, prevention is vital. And it starts with family. Parents should learn how to talk with their children about this difficult topic and be good role models for them.
URL source: https://addictionresource.com/guides/teenage-drug-abuse/

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