Technology to Be a Guide in Your Smart Phones

By Anooppt @anoopppt

New Delhi: ministry of tourism looking forward to provide an application guide at a mobile phone and an approach so far is going good as the pact to provide the same is been signed amongst ministry with Audio compass Pvt. Ltd, a travel apps provider along with Genesis International Corp. Ltd for its much awaited programme of QR which was decided to get started at the latter half of the month now seems to get inaugurate prior to the end of an annuals as per the view of ministry officials.
As it was postponed in its early stage on 2013 as the plan was to use a quick response codes to enable help at destination of tourist juncture all over India 
According to its technology it is a two dimensional barcodes that can copy an abundance of data related with your destination and also it can be used in smart phones by its application a device has a link which is directed via text, websites, email and phone numbers.
As said by founder and chief of Audio Compass Mr. Shewakramani, a last minute travel is always a problem and so far as our approach is concern we are not taking any initiative and as result traveler has to go through a bills of problem so this approach will provide a guide to a tourist and from our side we are providing audio guides near Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Khajuraho, and Salar Jung Museum and has a plan to provide codes at these spots.
As the reimbursement would be via advertising driven model and at the same time there private parties who will implement codes at their expenses as a result this will create a room for private parties to advertise their establishment at a specific tourist destination.
The prospect as he added is to in initiate with monuments as it is held under a roof of Archaeological Survey of India which would cover much of a tourist destination within India. As said by expert as most people use smart phone so the initiation would be from there only. This will give a tourist an idea and proper information while their journey said Chintan Patel, director, real estate and hospitality services, EY.
Nevertheless it is difficult to say will it increase a number of tourists to board India he added. As per a recent report by venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB), India has an estimated subscriber of 67 million in 2013, at the same time the total number across the globe stands at 1.5 billion.
As the prospect of QR effort is to invite 1% of 1.2 billion tourists by the end of 2016 the ministry is continuously promoting technology for its website of Incredible India and has also integrated Google maps and virtual walking tours of select cities across India. Between January and August, India recorded an escalation of 3.6% in foreign tourist arrivals with 4.3 million travelers, compared with the year-ago period. Ref: livemint.