Tech Tuesday – Instagram

By Mattnem05 @mattnem05

Now I am a lover of technology, and I love playing and trying out new tech toys and apps.  Here I want to tell you about one of my favorites, Instagram,

Now Instagram is a social site that is kind of like twitter but instead of talking with words you talk with pictures. With Instagram you can share with your following little snippets of your day, what you enjoy, what your getting ready to eat… basically anything that you want to. I know that when I first joined Instagram way back when we were still living in our house so that would have been the first part of ’11 – and I treasure all the pictures I took and posted of our babies Streak and Shadow on there. The site was more geared towards photographers and wanna be photographers, the teen age crowd hadn’t caught on yet it was a place to showcase your work. And I must tell you there are plenty of photographers out there who were and are sharing stunningly beautifully photography on Instagram. But now with the influx of younger users it really has turned into a more visual twitter experience, which in my mind makes it a fun place to see and connect with people. With the introduction of video not that long ago you can really see how creative people are and what they can come up with. People are also starting to use Instagram for their business and showcasing  their products, or even behind the scenes pictures of the products –  if you follow me you will get a sneak peak at what soaps I am making.

All in all I like Instagram because its a great way to extend the contact I have with the people I follow on twitter or Facebook, along with new people too. I enjoy the seeing as much as the talking that goes on with twitter so the two apps combined are a really good pair.

You can find Instagram online at or the beta app for a Windows phone can be found here.

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