I'm sure you think you've picked a business that doesn't involve the use of technology. Perhaps you chose a career for that particular reason. Can't stand technology? Do you find it difficult to switch on your mobile phone? Well I have got bad news on that front. Unfortunately almost every modern business uses certain tech. You're going to find out this fact sooner or later so you should come to terms with it now. Think of any business and I guarantee it uses some form of technology. Do you want to be a psychologist? You need to know how to operate certain software. Or how about a pilot? It's not just about landing the plane anymore, it's about using the tech. You see what I mean? Here are some of the most important pieces of tech and software you'll certainly need to know you way around.
The most basic form of management software is Excel. Excel can be used for a whole host of reasons and you'll find it embedded in almost every big business today. It might be used to make sure that the business is making their quota each month. Or, it could be to work out wages for employees. In the commercial airline industry excel pilot logbook software is used to monitor and record flight plans. Pilots can look over their performance and see how they can improve the next flight. They can also use previously recorded data to handle a difficult situation.
Marketing TechnologyI don't care what business you're in. At some point you'll have to market yourself or your company. This could be to make sure you get the attention of an employer that you want to work for. Or ensuring that you seize the interest of a client that you desperately need. Again, it's all about the technology and software. Specifically, social media and other forms of online marketing. Using social marketing, it's possible to catch the eye of anyone you want online. But only if you know how to use methods like SEO. If you have experience with things like this on your CV, you're going to look far more attractive to potential employers.
Broadly speaking in every industry, there are sectors that run entirely online and through computers. For instance, take the journalism industry as an example here. In the past, journalism was confined to print, broadcast and radio. Now, there is the new media that operates entirely online. If you're a journalist you should be expecting to work at least partially online these days. That might be uploading videos to a website or cutting together podcasts for release through digital services. There's no escape from tech in the journalism world. In fact it's bigger here than in most other industries.
App DevelopmentFinally, it's crucial that you understand the role apps and other mobile tech has to play in modern business . Everyone is connected through every mean on social channels. Apps make businesses accessible and easy to access for consumers. While it's a stretch to say every business has an app on the market, you'd be hard pressed to find one that doesn't.