Tech Rumours: Google Working on Home Assistant with Touchscreen

Posted on the 30 November 2017 by Techloot @tech_loot

Google is thought to be planning the release of a strong competitor for Amazon’s home assistants with a screen: Echo Show and Echo Spot. It wouldn’t be the first time when Google releases a later entry, but not all Google versions of competitor products have been successful.

A device to rule them all

Techcrunch has two inside sources confirming that Google is developing a first-rate assistant able to support its apps and channels, with a design similar to the Echo Show.  The emerging Home assistant would be sort of a control panel for smart home devices, entertainment options, and even video calling. But will it manage to get a share of Amazon’s market right now?

Amazon has a strong marketing system and will probably campaign aggressively for its Echo products as the winter holiday season approaches. However, its main downturn is losing YouTube.  Videos from the channel can no longer be played on Amazon’s home assistant, as YouTube is committed to Google.

A product with high stakes

Are you wondering if there is any interest in this kind of devices? A survey demonstrates that there is a purchasing interest. Also, it’s only logical that as the gadget use increases, consumers will at some point want a single object to manage their home activities, instead of switching from one product to another.

But that also means the competition for selling advanced home assistants will be steep as these products will also influence people’s acquisition of related smart home products.  Moreover, Google’s main strategy is to deliver great user experience. So updating their home services is only a matter of time.

Looking forward to optimisation

Members of the industry are eager to try the new product. During a recent episode, Megan Morrone, host of  Tech News Today shared her enthusiasm regarding the rumours, saying it would be a great way to manage the big amount of Google apps she uses often and also an opportunity to access her personal and family schedule, all in one place. Many busy Android users can relate to that; the idea of a single device sounds appealing.

Google already made an important step toward optimization. Google Home synchronizes with Calendar and Maps, as well as it includes its new voice assistant, which offers the possibility to access the data of the richest search engine. Further on, it connects with Chromecast and Cast Speakers, adding entertainment to functionality. It well responds voice commands and is compatible with some light switches, plugs, and thermostats.  If on the same device one could make video calls, access Google Photos, check email or add information to an account with the help of the Assistant, this new product might become a favorite.

Amazon already has eight Echo devices on the market, in its search to make Alexa the dominant operating system of the home. The one alternative from Google is highly unlikely to make a serious competition in the near future, despite its low price. So if this company wants to earn a part of home assistant system pursuers, it must quickly come up with a top-notch alternative. And its Manhattan project seems to be just the right fit for the job.