Teaser Tuesdays (5)

Posted on the 28 February 2012 by Mr. Book Wonder @mrbookwonder

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature by MizB of Should Be Reading where I share two (2) teaser sentences from my current read to try to entice others to want to seek it out. All I have to do is to grab my current read and open to a random page. Then I pick and share two teaser sentences from the page without including spoilers. And lastly, I’ll include the title and the author of the book to encourage participants to add the book to their TBR lists.

I’m sharing today an excerpt from Maria V. Snyder’s Touch of Power. The following teasers was taken from pg. 67.

Jerking my thoughts back to my present problems, I decided to extract my hand from Kerrick’s. He woke the instant I moved my fingers.


RELEASE DATE. January 6, 2012


SYNOPSIS. They destroyed her world. But she’s their only hope…

Avry’s power to heal the sick should earn her respect in the plague-torn land of Kazan. Instead she is feared. Her kind are blamed for the horrifying disease that has taken hold of the nation.

When Avry uses forbidden magic to save a dying child, she faces guillotine. Until a dark, mysterious man rescues her from prison cell. His people need Avry’s magic to save their dying prince. The very prince who first unleashed the plague on Kazan.