Team Names for Your Disney Half Or Full Marathon

By Disneybrideandgroom
So our team name for the 2013 Disney Princess HM is "Disney Bride & Groom".

Not sure what the benefit is for running in a two person team, but seemed like a good option when that question came up during registration.  DG and I are a team in real life - every day.  So even though we won't be running side-by-side on race day, we are training together, we are preparing for this together and supporting each other through it.  Maybe someday I will be fast enough that we can keep a comparable pace.  But we are running this race for different reasons.  This is the first HM for us both. For myself - the goal is to finish - preferably in an upright position, on my own steam.  DG wants to finish as well - in the best time he possibly can.  That means he does not intend to stop for character photos.  Me, well, as slow as I am - I may not have the luxury of stopping to use a restroom much less stand in line for a photo. I'll be using every ounce of effort to stay just ahead of the dreaded sweeper bus.  But different goals aside, we are a team. And like so many others before us, will be our partner's biggest cheerleader come race day.

Just for fun, I looked up past team results and took a peek at all the names.  I almost chose "Happily Ever After" and I see that was a popular option for some husband/wife teams.  Some of the names are hilarious and others are really sweet.  My favorite however, is the very last team on the list, in order of finish times:  a 53 and 54 year old husband/wife team called the "Bionic Duo".  They crossed the finish line together at 3:53:46.  I wanna be one half of a bionic duo when I am 54! Don't you?