Teaching Notes – The Ultimate in Christianity (2)

By Mmcgee4

Grace Thoughts

Teaching Notes – The Ultimate in Christianity (2)

Teaching Notes are Bible studies we taught before GraceLife Ministries began publishing articles online in 1995. Some were presented as sermons, others as group studies.

Our hope is that these older studies will be a blessing to you in your life and ministry. Please use them in any way God leads you.

These teaching notes are from a radio series. 

[These notes are from more than 45 years ago.]

[Listen to a Podcast of this study by clicking this link.]


The ‘ultimate’ in Christianity is ‘love.’

[Ask the congregation]

  • What is the ‘proof’ of your salvation?
  • How do we demonstrate the reality of God’s love in our lives?
  • What is Christian love?

Christian love is NOT –

  • An impulse from feelings
  • Always running with natural inclinations
  • Spending itself only upon those for whom some affinity is discovered

Christian love IS –

  • Selfless – love does not make good to self its end, but good to God and being good in general its end
  • Opposed to sin – love will be opposed to all sin in every form and degree
  • Just – love will do the right thing
  • True – love will be truthful in every instance
  • Compassionate – love will promote concern for the poor and needy
  • Patient – love will be patient with everyone
  • Meek – love will remember where it was before Christ found it
  • Humble – love will be humble in all its ways
  • Condescending – love will be willing to descend to the poor, the ignorant, or the vile for the purpose of securing their good
  • Open and honest – love will treat every subject with fairness and honesty. It will oppose prejudice and pre-judgment
  • Kind – love will be kind and gentle toward everyone
  • Sincere – love is always sincere and opposed to hypocrisy
  • Grateful – love will always be thankful in heart and grateful in action
  • Direct – love will always act for the public good in cases where sin exists and where the public interests are at stake
  • Unified – love will choose the same that God chooses. It is dedicated to the highest well-being of God and will be in harmony with the mind of God

Christian Unity

What is Christian unity? (Acts 2:41-46)

  • Christian unity is gladly receiving the Word of God (41)
  • Christian unity is continuing steadfastly in:
    • The Apostle’s doctrine
    • Personal fellowship with other believers
    • The breaking of bread together
    • Praying with and for your brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Christian unity is being together (44)
  • Christian unity is supporting the needs of your brothers and sisters in Christ (45)
  • Christian unity is being in one accord and having a singleness of heart (46)

What is your choice?

  • Will it be the choice of the natural man?
  • Will it be the choice of the ‘supernatural’ man? (Psalm 133:1)

[Ask congregation to pray to know God’s will for their lives.]

[Listen to a Podcast of this study by clicking this link.]

Next Time

In the next part of our Teaching Notes series we will look at three more ‘Ultimates’ in Christianity.

[Thank you for reading these teaching notes from more than 45 years ago. My prayer is they will be a blessing to you and your life and ministry.]

Apostle PaulBible StudyChristianityChurch DoctrineGod's WordHoly SpiritJesus ChristLove for God

Published by gracelifethoughts

Founder & Director of GraceLife Ministries View all posts by gracelifethoughts