Teachers Say No To Trump's Wish To Arm Them

Posted on the 17 March 2018 by Jobsanger

Right after the Parkland (Florida) shooting that killed 17 people, Donald Trump held a White House meeting. In that meeting he acted like he was listening to those with solutions to gun violence, and promised to be the first president to actually take needed action. Unfortunately, it was just political theater (public relations). He didn't mean it.
The only thing he wants to do is to arm teachers and other school employees with firearms, which incidentally is the only "solution" supported by the NRA. It's a silly and dangerous idea that's not supported by the general public (or most members of Congress). Now we learn that it's not supported by teachers either.
About 73% of k-12 teachers oppose the idea of arming teachers, 71% say it would not be effective in stopping violence, and 58% say it would make schools more dangerous -- not safer.
I agree with the teachers. There are many constitutional actions we could take to reduce gun violence in this country -- but arming teachers is NOT one of them. It's an idea that needs to be quashed right now.
The chart above is from the Gallup Poll. They queried 497 k-12 teachers nationwide between March 5th and 12th. The survey has a 7 point margin of error.