Teachers All Around Us

By Ldsapologetics
Joseph Smith said this about truth; “Mormonism is Truth… One of the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may. (Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 199)
Later, Joseph bolstered this sentiment with this statement, “We should gather all the good and true principles in the world and treasure them up, or we shall not come out true Mormons.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 316). 
We ought to seek truth where it is to be found; all around us.I learned why it is important to be selfless from selfish parents. I learned how to be a step dad from one of the two I had.Though that man and my own father are both alcoholics they did teach me plenty about how to be a good parent and a good man. Despite their flaws and sometimes because of them.I learned to be compassionate to the homeless because many are vets and most are mentally ill. I learned this because my dad is a schizophrenic veteran. I learned how abused children feel because I was own of them. It helped me help others.But the most helpful example for me, for all of us, has been Christ's example.He saved an adulteress from being stoned to death, He healed lepers no one else would touch or talk to, He spent most of His ministry caring for, loving and teaching the outcasts of His society.He changed the world forever one blind man, one leper and one adulteress at a time.He is the one who asked us to give no less of ourselves than He was willing to give of Himself.We can learn by the examples of others. No one is perfect and even the best amongst us have our failings. But that is not to say we cannot learn from imperfect people.Everyone teaches us something. The question is what will we choose to learn?