Tea 101 and Cone Pizza, Parramatta

By Foodisourreligion @food_religion

So thanks to Chocolate Suze, I discovered the concept of having a pizza in a cone available at Tea 101 in Parra. It didn't matter if it tasted good or bad, I had to go myself to try it out myself for the novelty itself! They looked so cute and best of all, a cone was only $4.50, so you pretty much get a snack, a cone and the novelty all for under 5 bucks #WIN. 

Spicy Mexican Sausage Pizza with a lychee green tea bubble drink with pearls
2 cones with 1 drink - $12.00 value package

Smoked Chicken and Spicy Mexican Sausage pizzas in cones

So novelty aside, taste wise is was pretty good. The cheese was soooo stringy; the string of cheese wouldn't stop stretching from the tip of your mouth to the cone itself. The more you pulled, the longer the piece of cheese became.
For me a good pizza is created with a very simple equation: Stringy cheese + loads of sauce + lots of flavor = awesome pizza. One of the best bits was also the end of the cone just like eating the end of a cornetto. Note for next time: Rip the bottom part off and dip it into some sauce.
As good as the spicy mexican was, the smoked chicken only had one piece of chicken in it which was a bit of a shame. The other downside is that their menu wasn't that extensive as there were only about 5 or so flavours to choose from so I am hoping they may release more new flavours as they grow.
Tea 101 and Cone Pizza, Parramatta
- 186-190 Church St, Parramatta

Gotta go eat!!