TCC's Favorite Nail Products

By Thecurlycasualista @curlycasualista

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Ever since becoming a Julep Maven, I've become obsessed with doing my nails (or more so than before). I'm constantly changing up the color on my digits, to their detriment (anyone else have weak nails from using too much remover?), but with the help of my favorite products, I can have things looking clean and beautiful in no time!
Before beginning my at-home mani, I always file and gently buff my nails - usually just my thumbs, because they have ridges.  Then I apply Julep's Oxygen Nail Treatment, which works really well on it's own or as a base coat. It goes on and dries clear, despite being rosey in the bottle. It's designed to help strengthen nails while still letting them breathe. I then apply my color of choice and let it dry. If I'm following up with either Julep's Polymer Top Coat or Matte Top Coat, I use their Ta Da! quick dry drops, first. These things are seriously genius because, let's be honest, who really sits and waits for their nails to dry?
However, if I am using Seche Vite, the top coat of choice and my current favorite, I just slap that bad boy on there and let it work it's magic. Yes, it smells turrible. Yes, it's maybe illegal in California? But it. seriously. works.
What are your favorite nail products?