TB Rants & Raves While MASpencer Moons True Blood Episode 6

Posted on the 05 August 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Hey Eric & Sookie Lovers!

Not one, but two of our favorite bloggers have posted their recaps on the same day! Yay! How did we get so lucky? We thought you’d like to read what they had to say about Eric & Sookie in Episode 6, I Wish I Was The Moon!

The first recap is brought to you by our friendly neighborhood TB Rants and Raves! She provides some interesting parallels between Eric and Sookie’s relationship with Bill and Sookie’s! Her recap will really give you food for thought!

Credit: bexitah.tumblr

This is one of our favorite quotes from her recap;

Finally! What We Have Been Waiting For

It took a long time to get to this point. The road was paved with far more Bill than I would have liked, but we got here. In the discussions about what this scene would be like, many wondered whether it would stand in stark contrast to the Bill and Sookie sex scenes we have had to endure over the years. Fortunately, it did. Eric showed that there is more to Sookie’s body than a neck and a vagina.

However, what I really loved about this scene was not just that it was different from any Bill scene but also that it stood in contrast to every sex scene we have seen (and there have been quite a few) on the show.

This was a love scene pure and simple. It was beautifully shot and it was very book-like.

You can read her recap here!

Now on to the always hilariously witty and speculatively savvy, MASpencer from the Sookieverseblog!

You probably are dying to know what she thought about the Eric & Sookie sex scene…well, this only a portion of what she said;

Until we cut back to Eric’s bare ass—at which time aforementioned duet is replaced with the sonic boom of a series of simultaneous ovarian explosions. Why? Well, because the Viking is petting Sookie’s quivering puppies under the magical light of the full moon, of course.

That’s right, ladies—prepare the ice packs! The Northman might be too big for some… BUT NOT FOR SOOKIE.

Since SVB already touched upon some of the finer points of this long-awaited scene in her pictorial summary earlier this week—most notably, the fact that there was no biting and bloodsucking, despite Sookie enthusiastically enjoying Eric’s neck-nibbling and practically bracing herself for a chomping—I really don’t have much to add.

Except to say that, while I’m sure Mr. Northman was kind enough to offer his sleeveless hoodie for you to rest your ass upon, Sookie, that wooded clearing nevertheless looks awfully… dirty.

Credit: bexitah.tumblr

You can read MASpencer’s recap over at the Sookieversebloghere!

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!