Taylor Swift Is No Longer A Defendant In The DJ Ass-Grab Lawsuit
Taylor Swift’s recent, extremely withering courtroom testimony must have made an impression on His Honor. Because U.S. District Judge William Martinez has ruled that she should be dropped as a defendant in former radio DJ David Mueller’s wrongful termination lawsuit. Judge Martinez probably didn’t want Colorado taxpayers to have to foot the bill for an asbestos bodysuit for Mr. Mueller. Because Taylor set that dude on fire when she took the stand.
To recap, Mueller brought a lawsuit against Swifty, her mom Andrea Swift, and KYGO radio promotions director Frank Bell for his firing after Taylor accused him of groping her ass during a meet n’ greet photo op in June of 2013 in Denver, CO. The judge doesn’t think there’s enough evidence against Taylor and approved her legal eagle’s motion that she be dropped from the suit.
CNN says that Taylor got emotional after the judge’s ruling. In fact, she supposedly blew her nose so loudly that the judge looked up while he was explaining his decision. Why isn’t there a courtroom artist’s poor representation of THAT moment? Unfortunately for Team Tay Tay, her mother and Mr. Bell will remain defendants in the suit. Taylor’s own legal clapback to DJ Grabass’ suit is still a go, too.
A jury will hear closing arguments in the case and in Taylor Swift’s countersuit against Mueller beginning Monday morning.
Taylor’s lawyers declined to call any witnesses in her countersuit. Witnesses including her bodyguard and the photographer that took the infamous photo testified that they witnessed Mueller grabbing Taylor’s butt.
Taylor’s a blonde cyborg that came here from the future to conquer and rule in the form of a “Golly Gee whiz! I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy…“-type pop star. But even a terminatrix in the guise of Holly Hobbie’s semi-sophisticated older sister doesn’t deserve having her ass groped by some corny DJ twat. Yes, I probably just joined the Squad for a brief moment. Now, where’s Karlie Kloss with the complimentary pet costumes for my cats? It was SUPPOSED to be in my welcome kit!
Pic: Wenn.com
Source: Taylor Swift Is No Longer A Defendant In The DJ Ass-Grab Lawsuit
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