Tawlet: A New Surprise Every Time I Go

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion
Rating: 79/100


Menu Choices: 8/10

Food Presentation: 8/10

Food Temperature: 8/10

Food Taste: 17/20

Service: 7/10

Ambiance/Music: 8/10

Architecture/Interior: 8/10

Air Quality: 8/10

Total: 79/100

More about: Tawlet, Beirut

Tawlet. I have written about this place a few times already, but every time I think no matter what I say, I realize that it’s never enough. I try to visit the restaurant as much as I can and often times I try  to go there with new friends. I want more people to know, experience and appreciate Tawlet the way I do. And every time I go there, I discover something new.

Before eating let me take you on a journey of what I saw and enjoyed that day. The interior of Tawlet is a simple yet very inviting space.

The high ceiling, long table that seats 18 people which can be shared by several people even if they don’t know each other – I like the idea as it creates a new culture in our country…

If sharing a table with a stranger is not your thing there are many smaller others around with simple water jugs. The chairs used around Tawlet are those simple ones that remind us of the old villages in Lebanon our grandparents tell us about.

White tiles on the walls remind me of the Parisian metro, colored with amazing details like book shelves, a huge collection of local wine, a collection of Lebanese paintings, three blue dragonflies dangling from the ceiling… and so much more details.

The day I went, a new cook was in the kitchen preparing the food, Zeinab Harb Kachmar from Hallousiyeh. Noha and Nada the Tawlet cooks helped create those wonders.

I can’t express my joy while eating the delicious home made cooking. I miss it, crave it and learning more about how they do dishes in different parts of Lebanon is really amazing, as there’s always an element of surprise.

That day on the menu: Season’s Salad (Salatet el mawsam), Rocket Salad (Salatet Rocca), Thyme Salad (Salatet Zaatar), Frikeh, Ba’let Farfahin, Kebbet Hikeh, Batata Harra, Loubieh bil Zeit, Mdardra, Sbenegh Ateh, Yakhnet Loubieh, Frikeh bi Djej and for dessert we had Apple Crumble and Oussmalieh (Lebanese sweet) all written on the chalk board next to the table, the Tawlet. Delicious!

I enjoyed a few glasses of delicious homemade Arak… and ended my lunch with Espresso coffee.

Delicious and fresh. Although I ate a lot and had seconds, I truly did not feel stuffed at all, which means the food is cooked in a healthy and yummy way; The simple food of the fifties before junk was invented.

If you haven’t tried Tawlet yet, please do…