Taste&Flavors: The Best of Artisan Bread in Lebanon

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

Bread has always been the most basic and homely of foods. Yet what was once a daily tradition is rapidly becoming a luxury. We’re no longer happy with loaves in plastic bags. We now crave artisanal breads with organic ingredients and rare grains. There’s certainly a market, we’ll pay for quality products, but it really does have to be quality. With all this variety on offer, where do you start? Well, here’s my guide to the best of bread.

I have searched for the artisanal one, omitting commercial bakeries and mass production facitlities. I’m sure Moulin D’Or, Wooden Bakery and Pain D’Or produce a fine quality but they won’t be part of our current survey.

Taste&Flavors Issue 21. August-October 2014