The story of “Heart Passion Pursuit” trailer is here!
Tasha Cobbs is taking us behind the scenes of her recording breaking album “Heart Passion Pursuit”
We will get to see how it all came together on October 6th when the 6 episode docu-series premieres on VEVO and YouTube.
Tasha Cobbs “The Story of… Heart. Passion. Pursuit”
Viewers will get to see Tasha Cobbs bring her vision together of creating one universal sound.
A major perk of the docu-series, is viewers will get to see never released rehearsal footage, Tasha doing interviews, and the making of new music.
Earlier this month, Tasha talked to Billboard about her vision for this album.
That’s so amazing because one of the visions that I had with this album, when we first started was that it would build a bridge for different cultures and different nationalities, people from different walks of life. We can all meet on that bridge and bring our lives together to say ‘Hey, we serve the same God.’ I believe that’s what’s happening with [this album].
Will you be watching?