Taro root, this potato-looking vegetable, is a new addition to my dinner menu. Also known as Malanga or Dasheen, I've only ever had it before in Terra Chips (that tasty little snack.) I have never made it before. It was on the produce shelves at Whole Foods and my curiosity got me throwing some into my cart.I had no idea taro boasted such nutritional value. It can improve your digestion, lower your blood sugar, boost your vision, protect your skin, and make quite a few other health improvements as well.
Native to Southeast Asia and southern India, it is one of the first cultivated plants in human history! The leaves are toxic raw, but this root is awesome! It is packed with vitamins and minerals and a single serving contains 27% of your daily dietary fiber intake. It is virtually fat free, no cholesterol, and is only 117 calories a cup.I washed and peeled the root, cut it into bite sized pieces, and roasted it in Pam and kosher salt for 30 muntes at 400 degrees. The result was pretty similar to a roasted potato, but with a firmer consistency. Healthy vegan french-ish fries! Definitely worth the experiment! Next time I might try to mash it in place of potatoes as well.