Target’s Tranny Bathroom Policy: Peeping Tom Used Women’s Dressing Room to Take Pics of Young Girl

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

On April 19, 2016, the chain store Target announced a new policy of allowing members of the opposite sex to use the bathroom or fitting room that fits whatever gender they imagine themselves to be.

That means that a man can use the ladies’ restroom or fitting room, including pedophiles, rapists, and peeping toms. And a peeping Tom did just that.

Charlie Butts and Fred Jackson report for OneNewsNow that police in Frisco, Texas, are looking for a young man who went into the ladies changing room at a Target store, peered over the wall into a neighboring cubicle and took pictures of a young girl who was trying on clothes.

Below are pics of the Peeping Tom from the store’s surveillance footage:

According to the Dallas Morning News, on May 3, 2016, at about 7 p.m., the girl was in the women’s changing room at the store when she saw a man peering over the wall with a cellphone pointed at her.

The girl told her parents and Target employees, but the man had already left the store.

If I were the girl’s parents, I would sue Target for endangering my daughter.

In late April, American Family Association launched a boycott of Target which resulted in almost 1.2-million people signing a petition that calls on Target to end the transgender-bathroom practice. But Target’s chairman and CEO Brian Cornell vowed the store would not cave in to the boycott.

Meanwhile, Target Corporation’s stock market value continues to be in the doldrums after its steep plunge since April.

Target Corp.’s stock values April-June 2016 (Source: Yahoo Finance)

I haven’t stepped into a Target store for years, and don’t ever intend to.


H/t FOTM‘s MomOfIV
