Tandem Novel - 20,000 Words 'typed In' - Cover Idea.

Posted on the 01 September 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

original cover concept

on the day that journalist Glenn Greenwald's boyfriend is detained for nine hours by border guards in UK and the Guardian newspaper is forced to DESTROY one of its computers containing whistleblower Edward Snowden's NSA material, I returned from four weeks away, on vacation.
I brought back a novel, on three notebooks, written in long hand, which went through several title changes but finally 'stuck' on TANDEM.
Kinda have a problem or three, i) I don't know how long it is, ii) I have to type it up and iii) as it changed so much 'during' the writing, it's gonna need a whole lot of reworking and rewriting anyway.
At this point, I'm twenty thousand words into the 'type in' and it's getting a real personality. I've started a new blog for progress on the novel as it goes through the various input phases, called Tandem-novel. Click the name or the book cover to go to that blog.