Tandem (France 3): Will There Be a Season 5? – News Series on TV

Posted on the 26 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

While the broadcast of season 4 ends this evening, the series "Tandem", with Astrid Veillon and Stéphane Blancafort, will be back on France 3 in 2021 for a season 5 whose filming, paused by confinement, will resume soon.


Broadcast since April 21 on France 3, season 4 of Tandem ends tonight with the last two investigations of this new batch. But Léa Soler (Astrid Veillon) and Paul Marchal (Stéphane Blancafort) will soon be back on the air since the chain ordered a season 5 of its successful police series, whose filming had just started when confinement was established in France last March to fight the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. "We started shooting three days before the confinement!", Astrid Veillon recently told Télé Star.

According to our information, the shooting of this fifth season of Tandem will resume on June 29 and it is again 12 episodes (like the previous seasons) which will be put in box for a diffusion expected in spring 2021 on France 3.

Activated before the broadcast of season 4, this renewal for season 5 is proof once again of the good performances of the series year after year and of the chain's confidence in the adventures of Lea and Paul, this duo atypical cops, who continue to collaborate - and squabble - despite their divorce. Certainly helped by containment and less competition, the audiences for season 4 have exploded since, after having gathered a little more than 3 million followers last year over all of season 3, Tandem has until 'now gathered an average of 5.06 million viewers over the first five evenings of this fourth batch. Very good scores, in front of the Harry Potter juggernaut on TF1, which could well motivate France 3 and the production to validate the start of construction of a season 6 quickly and seem to still ensure good days in Tandem.