Tan Vampires Are Neither Tan nor Vampires [free Mp3]

Posted on the 22 November 2011 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

I Found a Body – Tan Vampires

Leaves – Tan Vampires

If there’s one band that’s dominated my fall listening cycle thus far, it’s absolutely New Hampshire group Tan Vampires (@tanvampires). Their melancholy harmonies and emotive lyrics are gripping — something that takes ahold of you with the power to both shake you violently and rub your back at the same time. No track does this more than “I Found A Body”. It’s a gorgeous display of the band’s storytelling ability that features lead vocalist Jake Mehrmann’s smooth, flowing vocals and delicate instrumentals.

Download “I Found A Body” and “Leaves” from their recently released debut album For Physical Fitness. Fans of Local Natives and Fleet Foxes rejoice, you have a new favorite up-and-coming indie obsession.

Tan Vampires is playing Arlene’s Grocery in Manhattan on December 15th.  See you there?