
By Sugar @TormentedSugar

OMG I saw the Movie Tammy It’s So Hilarious!!
Melissa McCarthy does a great job as a comedian, but you also get to see again her wonderful job as a serious actress. When she feels sad or hurt, you feel sad or hurt…such a great actress!!

Her co stars are awesome..i LOVE Dan Ackroid and Kathy Bates and the girl from Grey’s Anatomy. 

Below is a pic of me trying to give me best “Tammy” impersonation! 

Also she is on the Cover of People Magazine!!! HEY!!!

I still need to pick it up and finish reading it, I read like the first half of the interview then it was my time to check out…I already have WAY too many Magazines!

“I just want to say that I Visually enjoy you” MELISSA MCCARTHY!

 and ps here is a CUTE Clip of her on CBS the opening day!

(we saw it July 4th! which was cool because they celebrated 4th of july in the movie!)