Tall Timber

By Foodmadewithlove @liannelow

I’m back, I’m back, I’m back! I’m finally back from my travels around Europe! Hope all of you have been well and hooray it’s the weekend!! Can’t believe three weeks have zoomed past that quickly, but it’s really good to be back! The one thing I really miss is having my weekend brunches and my chai soy lattes! I don’t think I’ve had as much coffee in a year as when I was in Europe! and of course, I’m so gald to be back blogging and sharing with all of you again! hehe

One thing I really love about being in Melbourne is the new cafes popping up almost every other week! hehe One that opened just over a month now is Tall Timber. I read about them on Broadsheet and saw instagram pictures of their noms and decided that I needed to make a trip down, pronto!

Tall Timber

Add : 60 Commercial Road, Prahan Vic 3181


I went there when it was 2 weeks young, and already there was a long queue and the small cosy cafe was packed and buzzing! Not surprising though, as they were the same talented gentlemen behind the establish Coin Laundry & Station Street Trading. Seeing the crowd made me very excited and just can’t wait to see what they had on the menu.

The Mr and I had our usual cuppas - large latte for him; chai soy latte for me. Warm and definitely comforting! There’s just something about chai lattes for me. I can’t get enough of it! hehe The coffee beans are roasted on site and are from Niccolo. The Mr liked the blend, smooth and not overly rich. It’s so robust that you can even smell the aroma even before you walk through their doors!

My brunch date (: Every weekend.

Now for the food! I was really drawn in to the breakfast board but sadly, they ran out of it that afternoon. But something else caught my attention.

The portobello mushrooms with goats curd, sprinkled with almonds and drizzled with balsamic was mouth-wateringly good! How beautiful does it look on the plate? The colours just pop! hehe I’m not one who like goats cheese, but this goats curd wasn’t too strong, in fact it was creamy and smooth. If you know me, you know I love textures in my food, and this one has them all! Soft, crunchy, chewy! With sweet, tangy, salty and peppery all in one bite! Mmmm! (: Definitely a dish I highly recommend!

While I had the vego option, the mr needed his protein and meat! hehe So he decided on the bean cassoulet with pulled pork, chorizo, goats cheese and a perfectly poached egg! Perfect amount of spice from the chorizo, the pork was tender and the dish on a whole packed a punch! hehe

Tall Timber is definitely a place we will return soon! Gotta get that breakfast board! (: Friendly staff, great food. And if you’re around the area and you like your coffee, this is definitely a place to visit, even for one on the go!

So thinking of where to go this weekend? Go visit them and let me know what you think! I’m sure you’ll be on the same page as I am. heh Have a great weekend everyone! (:

Remember to always bake and cook with love!