Talky! Talky!

By Mollylouise
So as I am writing this I am currently writing for my BTec music assignment or should be. Naughty! Naughty! However, I'd thought I'd do a little update kinda post or should I call it chatter about my week. How lovely!

So my midterm was so great I took a short break at Butlins, the Minehead resort and oh it was splendid. I used to be a regular visitor to the resort and now I go every 2 years or so. We went roller-skating and I kinda believe I am a skating pro because I didn't fall over and whiz around at great speed. Plus, I cannot reject those amazing water slides.
Moving on swiftly, this week I returned to school. I got my GCSE mock results, how exciting! I went into school twice during midterm one day for my Science ISA and French writing controlled assessment. In French I went up over 40 UMS marks resulting in 66 UMS marks. How exciting! Also, I got a B in my ISA which is amazing as it is my first B in Science. In Media Studies I got a D which is so gutting but we haven't spent much time doing Section B so I don't overly feel ashamed. My coursework is at an A grade which I am super proud of. Also in English Literature I got a B in modern texts and a C in poetry which I say is kinda average to my abilities but I hope to boost this up to a lovely B or possibly an A. French, I got a D almost a C so I must spend time studying to the build up of exam month. Health and Social Care was my best outcome from mock week I got a B! The frustrating part is that it was almost an A. Needed those sneaky extra marks! I nearly forgot to mention I got a C in Psychology which is a right kick in the teeth as I am predicted a B but my personal goal is a A. Why did I forget Gregory's Theory? Time to knuckle down to get the grade.
Also, It's Friday and I don't have any undone homework or course which is shock horror. With the exception of statistics but I'll be doing that after Peppa Pig snakes and ladders. Today, it was non-uniform day. My favorite day of school life! Everyone at my school moans about it though. I like non uniform day as I can show off my sense of style. I wore my vintage light-wash Joni jeans from Topshop, A Barbie top from Primark and my navy Converse. It's rare for me to wear jeans now because I love my dresses and skirt. So people have made comments about the rarity of me in jeans. Some teachers seem shocked about the change. Also, my Barbie top raised questions but I did get so many compliments saying that it was "awesome".


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