My natural hair color is black....and I mean black, so Ivy had to take my full head of hair down a few levels before we could start on the ombre. You may remember how dark my hair color was from my last visit to the Angelo David Salon during New York Fashion Week, but here's a before picture on the day of colour:
The process was a long one because I am blessed with a lot of thick hair, and because of the leveling down. I spent most of the day looking like I was either trying to contact aliens or block the government with the amount of foil I had in my hair (it was hilarious), but a few glasses of wine took my mind off my "tin head".
Apart from the fact that I forgot the pink, I love the results; so have several of my friends and a few strangers have stopped me to give compliments and ask questions on my experience. After a bit of a resting stage, I do plan on adding the pale pink. meanwhile, I am taking Ivy's advice and keeping my hair moisturized and properly hydrated. Check out a few more photos of my new color from various angles:
Are you a fan of the ombre hair color trend? Is there a hair color trend that you want to try? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.