Taliban Take Control of Afghanistan: How It Happened and What’s Next for the Afghan People

Posted on the 24 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

He the Taliban had seized power in Afghanistan two weeks before A.S. Stipulated to complete the withdrawal of his troops after the war two decades were expensive.

The rebels stormed throughout the country, capturing all major cities in a matter of days, when Afghan security forces were trained and equipped with the US and its allies melted.

LED invasion u.s. In Afghanistan in 2001 overthrew guerrillas from power, but they never left. After they collided throughout the country in recent days, the Western-supported government had run the country for 20 years to collapse. Afghanistan, fear of the future, racing to the airport, one of the last routes abroad.

They must wear a burqa that covers all and is accompanied by the relative male every time they go outside. The Taliban prohibits music, cutting the hands of thieves and adulterers with stones.

Taliban have tried to present themselves as a more moderate force in recent years and said they would not take revenge, but many Afghans were skeptical of those promises.

The U.S. Have tried out of Afghanistan, the longest war, for several years now.

American forces overthrew the Taliban in a few months when they stormed to eradicate Al-Qaeda, which regulates the 9/11 attack while stored by the Taliban. But it is proven to be more difficult to hold the area and rebuild a nation that is hit by a repetitive war.

As a focus A.S. Shared to Iraq, the Taliban began to regroup and in recent years took over most of the countryside of Afghanistan.

Last year, President Donald Trump announced plans to pull out and sign an agreement with the Taliban which limited US military actions to them. President Joe Biden then announced that the last troops would leave at the end of August.

When the last time limit was closed, the Taliban started a flash offensive, the city overrunning after City.

Short answer? Corruption. Ah and his NATO allies spent billions of dollars for two decades to train and complete Afghan security forces. But the Western-supported government is full of corruption. The commander exaggerates the number of soldiers to suck resources, and troops in the field often do not have ammunition, supplies or even food.

Their spirit is increasingly eroded when it becomes clear The U.S. On the way out. When the Taliban quickly advanced in the last few days throughout the unit surrendered after a short battle, and Kabul and several nearby provinces fell without fighting.