Taliban Reacts to US Plan on Frozen Assets, Says Funds Belongs to Afghans

Posted on the 14 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

Taliban on Sunday reacted to US President Joe Biden's decision to break down USD 7 billion Afghan frozen assets between 9/11 victims and humanitarian assistance to Kabul.

The Taliban candidate for the UN Suhail Shaheen said the reserve belongs only Afghanistan, reported Khaama Press.

Da Afghan reserves of Bank-Afghanistan central bank - not owned by the government or faction but it belongs to the Afghan people. It is only used for the implementation of monetary policy, trade facilitation and improving the state financial system," read Shaheen's Twitter post.

He added that the money was never used for other purposes but mentioned, reported the Khaama press.

Referring to USD 3.5 billion still frozen at Bank US, Shaheen criticizes that freezing and disbursement of money for other purposes is injustice and cannot be accepted by Afghan communities.

US President Joe Biden on Friday decided to divide USD 7 billion frozen Afghan assets to fund humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan and compensate for the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.