Taliban Pepper Spray Women Protesters Seeking Rights To Work, Education

Posted on the 17 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

Taliban troops on Sunday fired pepper sprays in a group of female protesters in the capital of Afghanistan demanding the right to work and education, three demonstrators told AFP.
Since winning control of the country force in August, the Taliban authorities have imposed restrictions on creeping in Afghanistan, especially in women.

About 20 women gathered in front of Kabul University, washed away “equality and justice” and carry banners who read “women’s rights, human rights”, AFP correspondent reported.

But the protest was then scattered by the Taliban fighters who arrived at the scene in several vehicles, three women’s protesters told AFP.

When we were near the University of Kabul, three Taliban vehicles came, and fighters from one of the vehicles using a pepper spray on us,” said a protester, who asked not to be mentioned for security reasons.

“My right eye began to burn. I told one of them ‘shame to you’, and then he pointed at the weapon to me.”

Two other protesters said that one woman had to be taken to the hospital after spray caused an allergic reaction to her eyes and her face.

The AFP correspondent saw a warrior confiscating a cellphone a man who was filming a demonstration.

The Islamic group Hardline has forbid protests that are not suspended and often intervene to forcefully break down demonstrations that demand the right for women.

The Taliban authorities have blocked the employees of the women’s public sector to return to work, many secondary schools still have not been reopened for girls, and the state universities are closed.

Long distance trips for women who are not accompanied by relatives of close men have been banned.

The authorities have also issued a guideline that prevents television channels from the broadcasting series featuring female actors.

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