Taliban Judge Says Women Have Lesser Brains: Read How Human Rights Are Crushed in Afghanistan After Taliban Have Taken Over

Posted on the 18 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

As liberals and secular in India openly supporting Islamists in the ongoing hijab of Karnataka, a documentary which includes the effects after the Taliban take on the Afghanistan by the Deputy News has been released where a Taliban judge said that women could not be a judge The bottom of the Taliban rules because they have a lower brain and because they are not good believers. While the hijab is debated to be a problem of choice or freedom to practice religion in India, the documentary by the Deputy News was carried out by a journalist who covered himself with a headscarf in all reports. He was also forced to wear a complete burqa in strictly in accordance with Sharia law while visiting Maulana for an interview.

The documentary made by the Deputy News includes many aspects in Afghanistan under the rules of Taliban for the past six months. This initially focuses on the lives and situation of women who describe how brutal their human rights are destroyed under the Islamic government in a country that briefly has a glimpse of the world view, but incomplete, in the last 20 years when the Taliban did not have power.

Now when the Taliban has returned to power, Afghani women face more problems every day, while the Taliban, on the other hand, continues to believe that laws are naturally different for men and women, and they must be treated. different. The Taliban also believes and disseminates that whatever happens to women in this country is currently their internal problem and then there are no problems or injustices for women. The Taliban said that it was nothing but a problem arising because of the recent changes in the government and everything would smooth the time.

The documentary covers a variety of Afghanistan regions ruled by the Taliban. This revealed that women do not have human rights in the Islamic government there. Marry a 15-year-old daughter to several 8-year-old men in exchange for money and several normal sheep. Women are beaten by their husbands regularly. In such a way that the bones of their hands, bones, nose, etc.

One of these cases was called in a documentary where the victim woman complained about her husband with all evidence of domestic violence including medical reports. He asked for a divorce and female judge in the court ordered the partner's separation. Before the assessment could realize, the Taliban took over the country. Now the woman was forced to live with her husband who continued to defeat him regularly and the female judge who had passed the judgment was to live somewhere quietly, hid his identity that was afraid of Talibani's torture.

A judge Talibani who has handled this case in the arrangement of new Islam was asked about this. Replying to a journalist, he said, "It is a very simple case. He just put the accusation. He did not have a testimony of violence in the household he claimed. On the other hand, his husband swore by the Scriptures. So he must be trusted."

Next, he was asked whether women could do his work he answered, "No. Because women have lower brains and they are not good believers."

Another case described in this film where a little girl married force to a 80-year-old man who tortured him regularly. He used to demand that a child he could not produce. When he tried to escape from his grip, he accused him of adultery that could be punished by revoking him to death in accordance with sharia law. He somehow escaped and had managed to live in a shelter house managed by a women's rights activist who himself lived under threat.