Taliban Conducting House-to-house Sweep Across Afghan Capital

Posted on the 04 March 2022 by Geetikamalik

Taliban is carrying out a large security of Kabul and other Afghan cities, their spokesman said on Sunday, went home to find weapons and criminals blamed for a series of robbery and kidnapping recently.

Operation, which began on Friday, has been worried about many people who are afraid of being targeted because of their relationship with the regime supported by the previous West or US-led foreign forces which eventually retreated on August 31.

Some Irate residents posted videos on social media that showed the houses they said had been destroyed during the search for Taliban, but some people told the AFP their meeting was polite and at a glance.

It's just my niece at home when they come and they make a big mess," said a resident, who asked not to be named after, showing a series of AFP images that revealed a considerable disturbance.

We tried to take steps against the kidnappers, thieves and looters who had weapons in their hands and threaten the lives of people, "Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told a press conference.

He said the authorities had found two victims of kidnapping during the operation, and also freed two teenage girls they found chained in the basement.

Mujahid said light and heavy weapons, explosives, radio equipment, and drones were confiscated, as well as military or government vehicles.

We tried to take steps against the kidnappers, thieves and looters who had weapons in their hands and threaten the lives of people, "Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told a press conference.

He said the authorities had found two victims of kidnapping during the operation, and also freed two teenage girls they found chained in the basement.

Mujahid said light and heavy weapons, explosives, radio equipment, and drones were confiscated, as well as military or government vehicles.
We want to convince Kabul's occupants that this operation does not oppose the people together, Mujahid said.

"City residents must be confident in constant search."

The Taliban has also increased street patrols in the capital and establish temporary barriers at the main intersection, where they are looking for vehicles randomly or examine the identity of the people in it.

Dozens of newly trained women's police involved in sweeping in case no man in the house he was looking for, said Mujahid.

Social media shows pictures and clips of video doors and cabinets that have been destroyed, pillows and mattresses open, and toothed items across the floor.

"Intimidation, home search, arrest, and violence against different ethnic group members and women are crimes and must stop immediately," Tweeted Andreas Von Brandt, the European Union Ambassador to Afghanistan.

Even though our Putin war oversees you," he added, referring to the Russian invasion to Ukraine who had dominated the news cycle for the past few days.

Focus on European security from Putin," answered Muhammad Jalal, a Taliban official with the presence of productive social media.